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Writer's pictureKelly Kaitson

"Just For Tonight..." 8 ways to keep grounded, centered and compassionate through difficulty.

Today I am borrowing from the wisdom of Al-Anon Family Groups; the incredibly supportive and emotionally sustaining North American movement that provides hope for families and friends of alcoholics. For many, life is a day by day struggle, regardless of the challenge. For others, the struggle requires that one lives moment by moment. Al-Anon's following 8 thoughts will help keep you centered and grounded through your own personal struggle or the struggle of a loved one. If the heartache you face today feels too much to bare, how about taking it moment by moment and focusing on just tonight?

1. Just for tonight, I will accept that I have done the best I could, remembering that my goal is not perfection but progress. I will let go of any expectations I had for this day, as well as any disappointment, shame or guilt I felt for not being perfect today.

2. Just for tonight, I will be humble. I will give my shortcomings to a Power greater than myself, trusting that doing so can bring about changes in me that I could not bring about by myself.

3. Just for tonight, I will not attempt to rectify today's mistakes or solve tomorrow's problems. I will remind myself that I am better able to receive guidance when my mind and body are rested and refreshed.

4. Just for tonight, I will set aside my fears, frustrations and aspirations and take a few minutes to review the abundance that exists in my life today. I will place my future in the care of a loving God of my own understanding, trusting my needs will be met at a time and in a way that is best for all concerned.

5. Just for tonight, I will release my loved ones to God's care. I will free myself from trying to do the impossible-changing the actions, attitudes or life of anyone other than myself.

6. Just for tonight, I will set aside anger, judgement, resentment, envy and hurt feelings. I will ask my God to bless those whose actions I feel troubled by, and to change my attitude to one of love, acceptance and compassion.

7. Just for tonight, I will be grateful. I will give thanks for the past day--it's failures as well as it's successes, its sadness as well as its joy and its pain as well as its pleasure. I will take comfort in knowing that every event and circumstance that occurred today can be used for my good and the good of others.

8. Just for tonight, I will find a safe, comfortable place to lie down and close my eyes. I will remind myself I am both deserving and in need of rest. I will look forward to awakening to the new day, feeling rested and ready to follow my God's guidance.

Self protection and self preservation is vital. It's not selfish but wise. Detaching with love is the way to bring personal healing and healing for your loved one. This may seem like a monumental task but focus on finding comfort just for tonight.

For meeting information call: 1-888-4Al-Anon or 1-888-425-2666 |

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